Friday, April 25, 2014

I Need Your Votes!!!

I am a finalist in the JAX TALENT 2014 Competition and I need your help. This round is based on online votes. The top 15 performers will go on to the Grand Finale at the University of North Florida on May 30th. Vote by clicking this link:

Enter "Lyndie" in the search bar, select the vote button under her video, enter the verification code and then click "Save Vote"


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hoping to be Ms. Clay County Forestry

As many of you know, I was Ms. Florida Forestry in 2012. I am very excited to say that I am once again involved in one of the best pageant systems around. This Saturday at 4pm I will compete for the title of Ms. Clay County Forestry 2014. If I am successful, I will once again compete for the Florida title in July. Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Opening for Kellie Pickler

This past weekend, I was honored to opened for Kellie Pickler at the Clay County Fair. The Clay County Fair is one of my favorite times of year. I won the Talent Contest and the grand prize was to open for Kellie.